Can power washing windows break the seal?

Looking after your windows is of course a very important aspect to maintaining the visual appearance of your property, allow more light into inside spaces and ensure that your property is as energy efficient as possible. If the seals between the windows in your property become broken, this can be very dangerous and the window requires immediate attention. This is because water is likely to find its way under flooring or into insulation, which can consequently result in mould, mildew or rotting wood. In addition, you are likely to lose more heat from your property due to the gaps, meaning that your energy bills will probably increase. With all this in mind, you may be wondering whether power washing is a good idea, or if there is a chance it will break the seal.

Many people use power washers to clean their windows as a quick way to get the job done. However, there are many factors which create an increased risk of someone breaking the seal of their windows when using a power washer. For instance, if your window has wooden frames, there is an increased chance that the force of the water can damage the wood. In addition, if you have double-paned windows, the high water pressure may break the seals, allowing moisture in and causing water vapour to build up between the layers.

If you have never used a power washer before, then you have to take extra care because there is a chance that you could accidentally use a very high pressure and thus break the seal.

Long story short, it is best to get in touch with a professional, such as our team here at Prudential Window Cleaning to get the best possible care for your windows.

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